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Showing posts with label Pakistan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pakistan. Show all posts

Tuesday 16 March 2021


Pakistan Pakistan,official name the Islamic Republic of Pakistan,is a country in South Asia. By population it is the world's fifth largest country with a population exceeding 212.2 million, and has the world's second-largest Muslim population. Pakistan is the 33rd-largest country by area, spanning 881,913 square kilometres (340,509 square miles). It has a 1,046-kilometre coastline along the Arabian Sea and Gulf of Oman in the south and is bordered by India to the east, Afghanistan to the west, Iran to the southwest, and China to the northeast. It is separated narrowly from Tajikistan by Afghanistan's Wakhan Corridor in the northwest, and also shares a maritime border with Oman.

Friday 24 June 2016

Beauty of Pakistan

Beauty of Pakistan

Pakistan have world most beautiful places for visit, specially at its best in northern areas of Pakistan and Kashmir region.
Neelum valley
Neelam valley is 144km long bow-shaped valley in Azad Kashmir.the valley is located in the North & North-east of Muzzaffarabad,the capital city of Azad Kashmir.

Neelum valley is one of the mist attractive place for tourists because of its famous lush greenery,springs,streams,lakes and hilly mountains. Famous places of Neelum are Athmuqam,Kutton,Jagra ,Karen,Neelum,Ratti Galli,Baboon,Noori top,Sharda Fort,Sharda University etc.

Hunza Valley
 Hunza valley is a mountainous valley in the was once ruled by a prince.The Hunza valley is located North/West of the Hunza River.The valley has three regions Upper Hunza,Centre Hunza and lower Hunza.
Some of the beautiful places of the valley are Rakaposhi Base camp,Diran Base camp,Hoper Glacier,Passue and Gulmit,Khunjrab Pass,Atta Abad lake and Nagar valley.

Swat Valley
Swat valley is an administrative district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,Pakistan.It is the upper valley of swat river which rises in the Hindu Kush range.
Swat valley is called with the name mini Switzerland of Pakistan.This valley has many attraction for tourists to visit such as Mahodand Valley & Lake,Natural Ushu Valley & Ushu Forest,Malam Jabba,Madyan,Swat & Kalam Vallies,Bonir,Der etc.

Kalash Valley

Kalash Valley is one of the major tourist attractions in Pakistan. This is located in the Chitral district of Pakistan. This valley has a historic background but its history has disagreements. Kelash is actually a very old Greek civilization. The people belonging to this civilization are called ‘The Kelash’. Belongs to old tribes and have their own belief and culture. This valley has a unique and amazing culture. The People here live in small villages which they built on the hill sides. These villages are at the banks of the streams and rivers. People build their homes with rough shaped logs. People of Kalash are cheerful, they celebrates many festivals like Uchal Festival, Phoo Festival and Chomos Festival. There are many attractive sites for visiting.

 Kaghan Valley

The Kaghan Valley is a beautiful valley in the north-east of Mansehra District . It attracts many tourists from not only Pakistan but also from the whole world. Laying in lower Himalayan mountains range, the Kaghan valley, famous for its bewitching splendor and natural beauty, is one of the most charming tourist resorts in scenic Hazara division. There are many beautiful and attractive spots like Shogran, Jared, Naran,Lake Saiful Muluk, Lake Dudipat Sar, Lake Lulu Sar, Babusar Pass and much more to do.

Friday 27 May 2016

Effects Of Climate change on society

By Shaban Ali
Climate Change
I belong to Parachinar which has long border with Afghanistan. Parachinar enjoys four seasons a year and population depends hugely on agriculture. There are so many streams and Kurram river flows with mountains range. Once when I was child the Kurram River gone empty and there was extreme drought in my home town. People was brining water from far and that drought lasted for 3 years. The weather remains almost pleasant, during summer weather remains pleasant and in winter temperature decreased to -12.few years back weather was very pleasant either during summer or winter but summer is getting wormer and winter colder. But this year summer was warmer as compare to previous years. Unexpected rains and snow fall is occurring and which harming summer because of increase in temperature snow and glaciers on mountains are melting and local population whose life is depend on agriculture is facing decrease in water for their was time when people hardly using fans in summer because the weather in night time got was because of the trees and greenery but due to increase in population and large number of migrants trees cut in large and new homes on green belt destroyed the beauty as well as environment of the area.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Islamabad Pakistan..Hunza valley heaven on eath

01: Mohenjodaro:
About 350 miles (580km) from karachi on the highway via Dadu lies Moenjodaro which, in the local language, means Mound of the Dead. It is one of the sites of the Indus valley Civilization which flourished here 5000 years ago.
02: Thar:
Thar desert of Sindh is yet another area of considerable intrest, its landscape, flora and fauna are totally different then other parts of the country . The rising sand hills which extend without interruption into Rajasthan in India, are dotted with stunted thorny bushes, coctus and small villages where people live in mud plastered conical hutments.

03: Sukhur:

In and around sukhur there are many intresting sites having important historical as well as archacological significance. Sukhur is full of mausoleums of saints. The tomb of Mir masum dominates the skyline of the city and there are several moaques which are attractive.

04: Cholistan:

Pakistan covering over25000 sq. km.It extends south into the Thar desert in Sindh and towards east into India Rajasthan desert.
Desert rally

05: Multan:
The mediaeval, memorable, majestic, mysterious and mystique Multan. In fact the history of Multan is the sub- continent every invader from Alexander to the Mouryans. kushans, Huns, Arabs, Ghaznavids, Mughals, Afghans, Sikhs and right yp to the british fought for the control of this magnificent city. it is considered as a city of saints and sufis and mystics. whatever the truth, multan is probably the oldest living city in south Asia.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Murree Maneuvers

Author: S A J Shirazi
Experience to hill station Murree can be a mixed bag. It is popular for cold pine forests, amidst magnificent mountain scenery that make it a first choice for a day's outing or serious hill walking. It is common with locals throughout the country as well as foreigners in nearby Islamabad on the run from the sweltering heat of plains in summer. And in summers it is crowded like a cinema hall some time.This archetypal hill station is famous for other things too: It is inconvenient political pawn to keep the loyal and or hideout for foreign dignitaries on their way to secret strategic missions elsewhere.

In the Himalayan foothills Murree -- known as Malika-e-Kohsar meaning the queen of hills -- was founded as a hill station by the British in 1851. Like other cities set up by the British, the town has the Mall for promenading, parks, churches, schools, clubs and plenty of other crumbling colonial charms. Remember, during British rule, access to the Mall was restricted for locals. After independence Murree has once again become the summer retreat of the government and since Islamabad became the capital of Pakistan in 1962, has expanded rapidly. There isa governor house, other government houses and summer homes of affluent class from all over the country. The residences are built on thesummit and sides of an irregular ridge, and command magnificent viewsover forest-clad hills and deep valleys, studded with villages andcultivated fields, with snow-covered peaks of Kashmir in background.
Murree town spreads along the top of a ridge for about five kilometres. At the north-east end is Kashmir Point, with views across the valley of the Jhelum River into Azad Kashmir. At the south-westend is Pindi Point, looking back towards Rawalpindi and Islamabad.Between the two runs the Mall, at the centre of which is the main shopping area, where visitors flock. Most conspicuous rendezvous in the town is General Post Office on the Mall.

Apart from odd looking ruins of Murree Brewery (shifted to Rawalpindi long ago), there is an Ecology Centre that was established in 1960 to experiment with environment friendly agricultNewsural processes such as green houses to grow winter crops. Although fruit and vegetables are important crops at the Centre but this institute has played significant role in the mainstream agriculture through its work once real rust. The site was specially selected after a thorough surveyby Canadian team of experts that visited Gilgit, Chitral, Swat, Kaghanand Azad Kashmir. The Centre has done some considerable work to extend the carrying capacity of the land. Other than this, economy of the area is predominantly agricultural though land holdings are small. Orlocals have some openings in tourism industry that is still in the initial stages of development.

In addition to sunsets and cloud effects seen daily during the rain sand good weather, trekking or riding in the chair-lifts are Murree'smain amusements. But one can turn the soft jaunt into a daunting experience in the name of adventure. Who stops! Like for more daring types and those who want to beat the crowds and still enjoy the green environs of Murree, the best is to explore the surrounding areas.There are many defined walking trails in adjoining country that is well wooded and its scenery attractive: from Islamabad to Tret, from Tret to Ghora Gali (where "dak" horses used to change during Britishera), from Ghora Gali to Murree, from Murree to Barian and ChanglaGali with Swar Gali and Khaira Gali in between and from Changala Galito Nathia Gali through Ayubia and Dunga Gali. From Nathiagali a common trekking route is to Thandiani with an overnight stay in the way.

Though sometime out of compulsion, I have been walking on Murree-Kakul (Abbottabad) route for sometime. During training in Military AcademyKakul, even fun trips to Murree customarily used to be converted in awalk with big packs (pack point zero eight) instead of trendy and light backpacks on the back. Out of twenty six items, from needle to blanket to venom antidotes, one was supposed to keep in the packs only map and compasses were useful. Rest used to look like an added load about as useful wet matches during rain?
But what if sometime one wants to escape into open solitude  in to aimlessness, into the moral holiday of running some pure hazard, inorder to sharpen the edge of life, to taste hardship, and to become pelled to work desperately for a moment at no matter what? That might be the reason for my once deciding to go back from Murree to Kakul cross-country.
Walking a series of hills along the ridge between Murree and Abbottabad is the way to see the green mountain glen, as it requiresto be seen. Murree is over 2,200 meters above sea level whereas Abbottabad lies at the height of 1200 meters therefore walking 70 kilometers downhill from Murree to Abbottabad, even cross country,should be an easy option. But it is not. The contours, those thin,maroon lines on maps of the area are not easy to negotiate on ground.That is what I found during my zigzagging along the contours.
First it is a climb. I felt comfortable and warm but every now andthen I had to go a little down too and then "sweat became a fridge." Inever got warm again. It became soon clear that I could not walk straight. So I decided to stay at Nathiagalli. Next day, I still had cold feet but from there on it went down fast and did make it in the evening. Now I have forgotten the agony of carrying the weight of my pack zero eight but till today I have been able to preserve the feeling stirred by encounter with natural beauty in the way. The wildflowers were big and grass green. It was all very silent. I felt the true essence of a place, for seeing without feeling can obviously be uncaring; while feeling without seeing can be blind.
Walking parallel to Khanpur, at the bottom of a visibly used track in a small bowl like gorge one finds a warning sign posted by some NGO concerned with conservation of wildlife and nature. "Save the Wildlife," it advises. Beneath the images of the different birds founding the area, independent visitors had scrawled their names and someone had written his own impromptu comments that reads, "Wish you were here with me." Very apt! In the way, you also see stacks of animal fodder to be used in winters, villagers coming down the hills following donkey loaded with dried wood or pruning of trees and an axehanging on side, or carrying the load on heads for use as fire wood,or a rabbit frolicking on the grass, maybe a rat. Or you come across red cheeked and friendly kids asking for pencils, their faces bathe din peace. The peace and serenity in the area has a marvelous effect on the nerves.
Most hard core travelers  particularly foreigners, come up with some daisy character who came "offering them hashish, heroin, sledge, or something even more bizarre when they write about their travel experiences in Pakistan, perhaps in an effort to make their tales rich in adventure, absurdity and humor  Or they tell harrowing tales liketheir belongings stolen on gun point. Maybe they think this makes their stories culturally more erudite. But in this very touristy area(and even during my other long hauls elsewhere), what I could come across are many kindnesses from any thing but ordinary people. I was overwhelmed by the consideration I was shown during my cross country walk by a humble and hospitable local Malik Nawab Khan, an ex serviceman, who offered me food. His home was in a deadbeat place, cluster ofa few houses on my way and away from any where. Exhausted, and wanting to rest my feet we settled for tea. That was one of the best and much needed hot cups of hot tea (with solid boiled eggs) that I took. Hehad told me to keep a lemon and suck on it while walking hard and long in hills. It gives strength and quenches thrust. He also said, "Tire the mountain not yourself." I realize the folk wisdom in the advicesevery time I walk. And we still are in communication with each other.Malik Nawab remains another reason for me to visit the area more frequently.
Hunger for nature becomes more intense as one sees pristine wilderness turning into a scarce commodity. Revisiting a place like Murree does not put me off. - I find a new and original angle every time! I love it every time.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

The Museums of Islamabad

 The Museums of Islamabad 

Lies in the premises of the lime Margalla Hills, Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan. In 1959 the location was selected specially to make it the capital city and the project was administered by the Greek town planning experts who divided the city in to 8 big sectors. Its cool climate, pollution free environment, fresh breeze and high hills call the tourists and make them booking the flights to Islamabad from the worldwide fondly. Now, Islamabad is a pleasant city which truly indicates the hopes of an energetic and self-motivated nation that looks forward for a bright future for the nation that accepts modernization but identifies and respects its traditional values at the same time. That's the reason the number of reservations of flights to Islamabad is getting higher every year.