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Friday 3 June 2016

Said Pur villege Islamabad

It believed that syed pur villege is from Mughal-era on the slopes of Margalla Hills and located on zoo road of Daman-e-Koh Islamabad. The village has the footprints of various civilizations, including Gandhara, Greek, BuddhistMughalAshoka and the colonial periods, and now serving as a popular recreational place among locals and foreign visitors.Pictures of Islamabad planning displayed in a long room which was once part of a temple.People says that master plan for establishing Islamabad was prepared here in the year 1960s.

Saidpur or Syed Pur got its name from chief of the Pothohar region Sultan Said Khan.Saidpur was considered a garden resort and a perpetual spring provided water for drinking and for watering gardens around during the Mughal period. The villege also famous for Hindu worship in the era of a Hindu commander , Raja Man Singh. He constructed a number of small ponds: Rama kunda, Sita kunda, Lakshaman kunda, and Hanuman kunda. The region is home to many Hindu temples that have been preserved; showing the history of Hindu civilization and architecture in the region.
It a nice place to visit as you can observe in this village springs and old houses and for a time you will forget that you are in Islamabad.The life of the villager is simple and total village environment can be observed in this place as its the part of the capital Islamabad.

Now a developmental activity in the villege as the roads carpeted with a new layer of tarmac,wooded areas were being cleaned of the undergrowth; a rustic fence was erected along the road leading to the village, and haystacks suddenly sprouted along the road to give a rural look to the area.
View of saidpur
Actually, the Capital Development Authority (CDA) is developing Saidpur into a tourist attraction, and is spending a lot of money (nearly 400 million rupees) and efforts on resurrecting the old village and giving it a quaint look.
This village is very good for one who want to see nature and to spend few moments in a noise free and pure environment.